Kate’s memories

Kate @the_humble_warrior

“Leading up to the lockdown that came to Sydney in June 2021, I was moving through the sharing of a 5 week series of practice with the soulful community @humming.puppy. We managed to practice together for 4 weeks but the 5th and final class of the series never came to fruition because the city closed down for some months. During this time, a cherished member of our community, and a soul very dear to my heart, passed away.

This morning, the opportunity to share that 5th and final class of the series came and it was both joyful and expansive to share with the special collective we were today but also particularly poignant for me to remember & reflect on my friends memory to and feel the loss of her presence earthside keenly.

We are not always fully aware of the vitality, impact and vibrancy of our connections with each other. We somehow (sometimes) take for granted the beautiful gifts we have to share with one another. I share this in remembrance of the beautiful Katie Lees and in dedication (and with love) to the importance of my heart connections and communities.”

#katielees #sunsetswithkatie #oneinamillion #oneinamillionhumans

To the vibrant beautiful soul Katie was
(and in my heart, remains):

“Though I knew Katie only through yoga, I loved her very much and that knowing brightened my heart and I think about her and realise how much impact her sunshine (and her sensitivities, observations and experiences of life) had on me – I am deeply aware of how meaningful connection has profound effect because of Katie and I just hope you as her family know how far and wide she positively impacted others.” – Kate, @the_humble_warrior

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